Who TF Did I Marry?

What I saw on my wife’s phone shocked me…

It was some grainy TikTok videos with poor lighting, and poor sound, shot on a cell phone while driving, but they have MILLIONS of views. 

It’s one woman’s epic tale of being deceived by, marrying, and divorcing a pathological liar.

ReesaTeesa has been blowing up TikTok and has racked up over 200 million views 😲WTF?

Curious, I went onto her TikTok page to see what the fuss was all about and, more importantly, to see what was so compelling to so many people.

Two hours later and totally sucked into her story, I’m shouting, “Oh no, he didn’t!”

Her story is broken up into 10-minute videos that span over 50 parts! It would take you over 7 hours to watch the whole lot… and millions of people are watching.

She’s breaking just about every rule taught by social media “gurus.”

Good lighting - nope

Scripting - no

Editing - nonexistent

Production quality - as low as it can get

Keep your content short and to the point - hell no

In my new book, Lean Marketing, I outline how to create great content. The cardinal rule is: don’t be boring. You can break almost any other rule except this one. You do this with compelling storytelling.

The human mind is hardwired to pay attention to information delivered in story form, and ReesaTeesa does this in spades.

She’s an ordinary person telling her story of heartbreak…a story that’s probably less interesting than many of the stories you have but just haven’t told.

Some of the elements that keep you hooked:

  • Continuous new open loops - you NEED to know how they resolve
  • Vulnerably - she tells you how it is even when it doesn’t make her look good. This builds massive trust.
  • Authenticity - it’s clear she’s being herself, not some airbrushed caricature or performance for social media
  • It’s often raw, and she conveys emotion. You want her to win.

ReesaTeesa cost me hours of my weekend but reinforced powerful lessons in content creation and storytelling (at least that’s how I’m justifying it).

You don’t need all that fancy stuff. Just turn on your phone camera, be yourself and start telling your story...

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